
Lighten Up, It’s Just a Tombstone

Hey, I know you’ve been feeling down lately and reluctant to engage with the world. But I hope this blog post gives you a little smile – it’s all about funny tombstone sayings that celebrate life even in death. As they say, you’ve got to laugh to keep from crying!

The history behind tombstone humor

While death and mourning are surely serious subjects, humans have found humor even in grief throughout history. Tombstones first emerged in the 1600s as a more permanent way to mark graves than earlier wooden grave markers. In Victorian times, it became popular to embellish stones with symbols and poetic inscriptions memorializing the deceased. Some carved messages poked gentle fun at earthly foibles or idiosyncrasies to commemorate loved ones. The tradition of amusing epitaphs lives on today as families choose to celebrate lives lived with whimsy instead of solemnity alone.

Popular funny tombstone saying themes

Browsing collections of amusing epitaphs reveals some common humorous angles families choose to memorialize their departed. Here are a few approaches carved in stone with a smile:

Occupational humor

For those with a strong career identity, their vocation sometimes lives on in their epitaph. You may find inscriptions like:
“Here lies a lawyer, and an honest man” or “He did it his way – most of the time.”

Marital ribbing

Even spouses share some lighthearted ribbing, as seen in inscriptions like:

“Welcome dear, it’s about time you’re under me.”

Personal quirks and interests

Memorializing unique personality traits brings a chuckle, like:
“She wasn’t actually allergic to anything” or “All the world was a PlayStation to him.”

Words of warning

Some attempt humor even in death with cautionary endings like:
“I told you I was sick!” or “See, I told you I wouldn’t last!”

While death is inevitable, these funny epitaphs find the lightness in life’s shortness. Their messages remind us that loved ones live on not only in memory, but also through their spirit, humor and what they meant to us.

Top 30 Funny Tombstone Sayings

Ready to smile? Here are 25 of the most amusing epitaphs carved in stone:

  1. “I told you I was sick!”
  2. “See, I told you I wouldn’t last.”
  3. “At least I know where all my car keys are now.”
  4. “Don’t mourn for me – I’m going home.”
  5. “Now I know why birds sing.”
  6. “I want to be cremated. If anything goes wrong, I’ll come back and haunt you!”
  7. “I don’t know what you’re so worried about. If God didn’t want me to eat sausage and eggs for breakfast, he wouldn’t have made them so delicious.”
  8. “Died with a fishing pole in one hand and a beer in the other.”
  9. “Well, this is embarrassing.”
  10. “I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque.”
  11. “Excuse my dust.”
  12. “If you’re reading this, you must have too much time on your hands.”
  13. “Well, at least I paid my bills on time.”
  14. “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”
  15. “Here lies an atheist, all dressed up and no place to go.”
  16. “Not getting any older after this!”
  17. “Not lost just gone ahead.”
  18. “Have you forgotten how to smile?”
  19. “I told you I was ill.”
  20. “Briefly – I told you I was sick.”
  21. “And it’s awfully lonesome by the riverside.”
  22. “My karma caught up with me.”
  23. “Don’t mind the weeds, I’m just resting.”
  24. “At last the law caught up with me.”
  25. “If you don’t send money, I’ll send for you.”
  26. “Looks like it’s too late for my royalties now.”
  27. “Have you seen the idiot that’s buried here with me?”
  28. “In case of zombie attack, break glass.”
  29. “Always obeyed traffic signs. Took one down if it said SLOW CHILDREN.”
  30. “I’m feeling much better now.”

5 Frequently Asked Questions about Funny Tombstone Sayings

Are all cemeteries allow funny epitaphs?

While graveyards have historically tolerated tasteful humor, some more conservative sites now limit messages to solely commemorative information. It’s best to check individual cemetery policies.

How long have punny epitaphs been around?

The practice emerged in the 1600s and grew more popular through Victorian times as an expression of individual personality. While serious at their core, memorial inscriptions began to winkingly acknowledge life’s humorous edges too.

Do relatives find them disrespectful?

Studies show the vast majority of loved ones who choose amusing epitaphs feel they respectfully celebrate how the deceased saw and related to the world in a way solemn texts can’t. But family sensibilities always come first in deciding epitaph tone.

Is there a place to find more examples?

Websites like and archive thousands of funny epitaphs submitted by stone carvers and cemetery visitors worldwide sorted by category or region for browsing inspiration.

How expensive are custom etched stones?

Cost depends on material, size and finish, but basic granite stones with engraved text generally range from $200-800 installed while polished marble may reach $1000-2000. However, many find the long-lasting legacy of a witty message priceless.

In the end, only one opinion truly matters for an epitaph – that of the deceased and their loved ones. If laughter was part of their life philosophy, a funny tombstone offers a chance to memorialize that lightness in a profound way.

Related: Funny Gravestone Sayings


In closing, my friend, I hope these amusing epitaphs have brought a smile in your day. While death and grief surely cause heaviness of heart, finding humor even in endings is part of what makes us resiliently human. The people commemorated with wit and whimsy in their epitaphs seem to be saying that life should be savored and celebrated fully right up until its very last moment – and perhaps even beyond. If we can find lightness even in the face of life’s difficult questions, isn’t that living well? Wishing you smiles and lighthearted moments ahead as you keep walking in this world. Just think – one day they may write something funny on your tombstone too!

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