Best Responses

Finding the Right Response to “I Had a Great Time With You”

We’ve all been there – you spend quality time with someone you care about only for them to message you after saying they had a wonderful time. At the moment, it’s an uplifting thing to hear. But it also leaves you wondering how to respond in a way that conveys your own feelings without coming on too strong. As someone who used to struggle with knowing what to say in these situations, I want to help make responding a little easier.

Quick Replies:

  1. I’m so glad we got to spend time together today. It was great connecting with you!
  2. Thanks for a fun afternoon – I really enjoyed our chat. Hoping we can do it again soon.
  3. You’re brilliant company. I’m happy we got to hang out. Hopefully, more of that in the future!
  4. I really appreciate your saying so. Spending time with you is always a high point.
  5. That really means a lot. Thank you for a memorable experience – it was perfect.
  6. I feel the same way! I’m grateful we could share such a fun experience together.
  7. Aww shucks, thanks! I exalt you too. You definitely brightened my day.
  8. Warms my heart to hear that. Our vibe together is special – hope there’s more of it ahead 🙂

Don’t Overthink It

The first thing to remember is not to over-analyze their message or your potential replies. Someone saying they enjoyed your company is a positive thing! Resist the urge to spin scenarios in your head about hidden meanings or what reply they’re hoping for. Focus on being genuine in your response instead of getting lost in what-ifs.

Avoid One-Word Responses

While a simple “Thanks!” or “Likewise!” isn’t necessarily wrong, putting a bit more thought into your reply shows you care about the interaction. One-word texts can come across as dismissive or unenthusiastic. Take a minute to add some detail about an aspect of your time together that you appreciated as well.

Comment on a Specific Moment

Rather than a generic statement, call back a funny anecdote or activity you both enjoyed.
For example, “I’m so glad we got to try that new Thai place. The pad thai was amazing!” or “That hike was beautiful – I’m still laughing about you falling in the creek.” Reliving a positive memory shared gives your response personal meaning.

Don’t Over-Complement

While expressing appreciation for the time spent together is welcome, it’s best to avoid coming on too strongly with lavish praise too soon in the relationship. Comments such as “You’re absolutely the most incredible person I’ve met” may sound exaggerated or insincere. This could risk making the other person feel uneasy or uncomfortable.

It’s better to keep things light and informal by focusing on how much you enjoyed each other’s company in the present, rather than alluding to grand expectations for the future. Emphasize the quality of your current interactions, not speculative future prospects,b that may add unwarranted pressure.

Offer an Open Invitation

If you want to see them again, suggesting another low-pressure outing leaves the door open without coming across as needy. Something like “We should do trivia night at The Local next weekend if you’re free” or “Let me know the next time you want to check out that new bakery” expresses interest while respecting their schedule and space.

Suggest a Specific Future Plan

On the other hand, if you connected really well, and the vibe seems right, a more definitive plan could work too. As long as you’re comfortable being direct, asking “Are you free for dinner at my place Friday night?” or proposing a weekend hiking trip allows them to consider another date without ambiguity. Read their signals to gauge the right level of invitation for where you both seem to be at.

Say You’re Looking Forward to Speaking Again

If you’re uncertain about their level of interest, a low-key response acknowledging the positive experience allows them to respond at their own pace. Mentioning that you appreciated spending time together and look forward to further discussions if they wish keeps a casual tone. For example, a message like “I enjoyed our time together. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat again.” This communicates openness to continuing the conversation without placing any expectations on them. It respectfully leaves the next move up to how they would like to proceed, helping maintain an easygoing dynamic for now.

Respond Thoughtfully, Not Impulsively

It’s easy to hurriedly tap out the first safe reply that comes to mind instead of pausing to craft one with care and substance. Resist that habit – taking a moment to respond thoughtfully tells the other person you value the interaction enough to think about your message. There’s no need to feel you need an instant reply, either. Wait until you know what you want to say that feels natural yet expressive of your honest feelings.

Match the Tone of Their Message

Pay attention to the sentiment and energy level in their text, too. If their message reads as upbeat and enthusiastic, mirror that same positivity back. But if it seems more casual or neutral, don’t force over-the-top excitement that doesn’t align authentically. Respond with aligned tone, so they feel heard at their pace versus put on the spot unexpectedly. Harmonizing emotional registers builds rapport and comfort.

Don’t Make Assumptions

It’s easy to run scenarios in your head like “They must be interested in me since they said they had a good time.” But avoid presuming too much from one friendly message before getting to know them better. They may have simply been being polite or enjoying friendliness without deeper intentions yet. Proceed with exploring a potential connection versus making it about your own projections or desires prematurely.

Gauge Their Interest Level Naturally

If you’re unsure where you both stand, use future interactions to politely gather clues about their interest level versus direct questioning right away. During follow-up conversations, pay attention to signs like eye contact, smiles, engaged listening, physical closeness, and enthusiastically making more plans together naturally. Let chemistry evolve at its own healthy pace versus forcing an evaluation that could backfire or make things awkward.

Responses to Avoid

While meant sincerely, some replies are best sidestepped since they may give an unintended impression or vibe:

  • “You too!” – comes across as dismissing or not fully listening to what they said versus reciprocating the sentiment genuinely.
  • “No problem!” – Makes it seem begrudging versus a pleasure, even if casual slang.
  • “LOL thanks!” – An informal “lol” could downplay their sentiment; laughter risks minimizing sincerity.
  • Long, intense expressions – Keep the focus on enjoying each other’s company versus pressuring for validation.

Reciprocity is Key

Make sure your reply expresses appreciation for their company as well. Saying you also had a wonderful time and are glad you could connect leaves both people feeling positively acknowledged for giving each other quality time and interaction. Mutual validation is key to continued rapport-building.

Additional Replies to Consider

Here are some other replies showing care without expectations that could work well:

  • “I’m so glad we could spend time together. It was really nice getting to know you better.”
  • “Thanks for a fun [activity]! We should do [activity] again sometime soon.”
  • “I enjoyed our conversation. Hoping we can chat more in the future.”
  • “That [meal/outing] was even better with good company. Thanks for joining me!”

Keep Your Options Open

Even if you hope for more dates, remind yourself this new person may just see you as a friend for now if at all. From now on, aim for balanced, genuine interactions versus an agenda. This allows rapport and compatibility to build naturally without perceived motives getting in the way. Have fun learning about each other versus projecting expectations too soon.

Respond Promptly But Not Instantly

Unless keeping someone waiting long-term, it’s considerate to reply within a day or so versus leaving them hanging with no acknowledgement. However, as mentioned before, there’s no need for an instant reaction either. Taking a little time, even just 30 minutes, shows you cared enough to thoughtfully respond versus random guesses. A good in-between ensures attention without coming across as desperate or indecisive.

Responding With Care and Respect

The golden rule is responding with care, respect and sincerity versus any hidden agendas or assumptions. Someone opening up by saying they enjoyed their time with you is a gift – so treat it and them with kindness, respect and appreciation. Stay open, go with the flow and focus on enjoying each interaction versus perceived outcomes. With compassion as your guide, every exchange is an opportunity to deepen connections.

Read Also: Reply to Good Night Messages


Q1. What if I didn’t actually have a good time?

Gently be honest but avoid criticism -“Thank you for the kind words. Though I didn’t feel our interests fully aligned, I still valued our time together. All the best going forward!” Maintaining positivity while acknowledging the lack of spark allows an upbeat parting without criticism.

Q2. They said they loved our time together – how do I respond respectfully if I don’t feel the same level of intensity?

Acknowledge their perspective without agreeing fully – “I’m glad you felt that way. I enjoyed our chat and hope to connect again sometime.” Keep things light and focus on the positives you did share.

Q3. What if I didn’t like something they said or did – do I address it?

Unless something crossed boundaries like disrespect, it’s best to let little quirks or differing views go for now. Respond positively about the parts you did enjoy versus negativity that could damage budding trust.

Q4. How do I know if they’re just being polite versus interested romantically?

Give it a few gentle feelers over continued interactions versus assuming right away. Pay attention to signs like initiating future plans together, open body language, engaged eye contact and laughter during conversations as clues versus surface responses alone.

Above all, focus on enjoying each person and the moment as they are – the rest follows naturally. May these tips help you continue building rich experiences and relationships through positivity.

By acknowledging each other’s humanity with care, understanding and respect, even casual encounters can become genuine. I hope this advice empowers positive connections.

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