Your Arsenal of Replies When Someone Says “What’s Good”
Hey, I know the feeling all too well. You’re relaxing at home when your phone lights up – a text from an old friend asking the classic “what’s good”. Instantly, your mind races trying to think of the perfect response. As someone who used to stress about this too, let me share some go to best replies to what’s good that I’ve collected over time that might help you out.
Quick Hits
Trying to come up with a response on the spot? Here are some top picks:
- Living the dream, can’t complain. What have you been up to?
- Not too much, just taking it easy. What’s new with you?
- I’m doing alright, keeping busy. What’s the latest on your end?
- Same old, same old. Anything exciting happening with you lately?
- Living the best life. What’s the good word with you these days?
- Just floating through – any cool events coming up you’d recommend?
- Can’t complain over here! Have you tried that new restaurant yet, how was it?
- Hanging in, hanging on. Binge any good shows lately to recommend?
- Surviving another week! Any funny stories from your side of town?
- Living the dream! Check out the farmer’s market this weekend, some great vendors.
The Casual Check-In
When it’s simply a laidback check-in, short and sweet responses do the trick. Something like “Taking it easy today. Anything new with you?” keeps a relaxed atmosphere to match their casual message. Sparking a catch-up without demands, “Everything’s been calm on this end. What have you had going on lately?” also works charmingly.
If your day’s pacing has been peaceful so far, sharing that briefly yet leaving the floor open for their update respects a lighthearted flow to the exchange. A prompt of “It’s been low-key so far. Looking forward to the latest from you!” allots space for the interaction without commitment to a uninterrupted update. In these low-stakes instances, maintaining an ease keeps the reconnection enjoyable without weight or workload for either party.
Suggest a Low-Key Meetup
If you’d like to transition a friendly text into actual get-together plans, keep things light and low-key. Propose casual options like “It’s been uneventful around here, fancy grabbing a coffee together later?” or “Looks like nice weather – want to go for a stroll in the park?” S
pontaneous, low-effort activities indicate you’re open to continued conversation in person without high expectations. Actions with minimal commitments but still quality time together demonstrate your willingness to reconnect without unnecessary productions or formal arrangements. By keeping it simple and stress-free, there’s a better chance they’ll take you up on catching up face-to-face as well.
Ask for Hang Out Ideas
Put the ball in their court by replying “Good, been needing some ideas for what to do tonight though. What do you have in mind?” It opens the door for them to float suggestions you’re both into.
Share Something Funny or Interesting
Give them a taste of what’s new with you by sharing a quick anecdote, meme or video. For example “Good, just saw the funniest TikTok – let me send it to you!” Briefer than long stories, it sparks their curiosity to inquire more after responding.
Reference an Inside Joke
Bring a smile to their face by referencing an inside joke you share, like “Good, been prank calling that bill collector like we talked about.” Tap into your friendship memory bank in a hilarious way.
Request Activity Suggestions
Put the ball back in their court by asking “Good, been trying to think of something fun to do tonight though. Any ideas?” It shows you’re open to plans while giving them creative control.
Seek Advice or Opinions
Pique their interest by briefly mentioning something you’re thinking through, like “Good! I’m between two job offers actually – would love your thoughts on which seems better.” It makes for an engaging back-and-forth.
Express Excitement to Catch Up
Let them know you’re eager to reconnect by saying something like “Good to hear from you! We seriously need to hang out ASAP and catch each other up.” Conveying enthusiasm amplifies rapport.
Building Rapport Through Follow Up Questions
While the initial response sets the casual tone, asking a follow up question is a great way to continue the conversation and build rapport. Here are some effective questions to consider:
How have you been lately?
A simple open-ended question allows them to share more about what’s new without you demanding a long answer.
Anything new or exciting happening?
Leaves the topic open for them to discuss work, relationships, hobbies or plans coming up.
Remember [inside joke/past experience]?
Referencing a fun memory from your friendship shifts the focus to reliving happier times together.
Seen any good movies/shows lately?
Popular culture is an easy conversation starter most people can engage with.
Got any weekend plans?
Gauges if they may want company or have suggestions for a group activity.
How’s [family member/pet] doing?
Demonstrates you remember details shared before to strengthen familiar bond.
Need help with anything?
Offers your support while subtly learning if they wanted to discuss anything specific.
Suggesting a Low-key Catch Up
Once the conversation starts flowing, you may want to propose setting plans to reconnect IRL. Some low-key suggestions that work well:
- “We should grab a drink sometime and catch up face-to-face.”
- “I’m craving pizza this weekend – wanna join?”
- “Should we plan a hike at the trails next Sunday?”
- “Netflix party this Friday? I’ll bring the snacks.”
- “Wanna come over Saturday and help me repair my bike?”
The casual, no-pressure ideas show you want to spend time together without a major commitment. More often than not, they’ll be receptive to continued conversation IRL.
Following Up After Plans Are Made
If they agree to tag along, follow up with additional logistical details a day or two later. This could be sending over your address, confirming date/time, or asking food preferences. Continued small communication like this maintains excitement and makes the plans feel solidified.
Expressing Gratitude for Reconnecting
Don’t underestimate the power of showing appreciation for your friend’s efforts to catch up. Sending a thank you, even if just through text, can mean a lot. Some sincere ways to express gratitude:
- “It was so good seeing you yesterday! Thanks for coming over.”
- “I had a great time at the movies. I’m glad we got to hang out.”
- “Thanks for meeting up – I really needed that catch up sesh!”
- “I’m glad we’re making an effort to reconnect. It feels nice rekindling our friendship.”
Expressing gratitude reinforces that you value them and the time spent together. It strengthens your bond for future catching up.
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Starting Up Conversations Again After Time Apart
While an initial “what’s good” catch up is casual, maintaining communication going forward takes added effort after time apart. Some proactive ways to pick back up where you left off:
- Share funny photos, memes or thoughts on social media to spark new interactions
- Seek opinions on big life decisions to give them a chance to offer advice and guidance
- Send occasional check-ins, even if just brief greeting texts to stay top of mind
- Comment supportive messages on significant achievements or milestones they share
- Host low-key gatherings to help your social circles blend together again
Consistent small gestures go a long way in keeping the connection alive rather than letting things peter out. Make an effort to nurture what you rebuilt.
Staying True Friends Through Life’s Ups and Downs
Real friendship is about riding both the highs and lows together. Should something come up troubling you, open up without fear of judgment. True friends are there through thick and thin, so express vulnerability to strengthen your bond of unconditional support.
With time and life changes it’s easy to drift, but these tips will help keep old friendships going strong even years after losing touch. With patience and commitment, you’ll nurture true friends for life who feel like family.
It is also important for friends to prepare small surprises for each other. Custom keychains are a
simple and meaningful gift, which is a good way to maintain and deepen friendships.
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Such an ingenious gift reminds us to cherish the friends around us, keep in touch no matter how
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Frequently Asked Questions
What if they don’t suggest plans right away?
No problem, the ball’s in your court now. Pick one of the reply types above or simply ask “Any fun plans coming up I can join?” No pressure – keep it light.
How to respond if I’m busy?
Say something like “Good to hear from you! So busy with work/school atm but let’s connect soon, maybe this weekend?” Leave it open-ended positively.
Any other go-to response ideas?
Here are a few more: joke about plans falling through to reschedule together, send a funny photo/meme with no context, bring up an exciting upcoming event you want to attend together. Keep in playful spirit!
What if they don’t follow up after?
Don’t stress, they likely just wanted a quick check-in. Ball’s in their court – leave it upto them to schedule next catch up. You gave an opener for continued convo.
Any other general tips?
Keep responses brief, upbeat and low-pressure. Reflect your friendship’s fun, casual rapport. Vary response types based on your read of their text vibes. Have fun being yourself – that’s what they’re looking for!
Hope this arsenal of go-to replies gives you some inspiration next time an old friend texts “what’s good” out of the blue. Remember, there’s no pressure – just keep responses lighthearted and let the conversation flow naturally from there. Wishing you many fun catch-ups reconnecting with friends, old and new. Now go start chatting!
Your article is a perfect blend of information and storytelling. Really enjoyed it!