Best Responses

“Jazakallah Khair!” What to Say Back: Mastering Muslim Etiquette

Thanking someone sincerely for their help or kindness is important in any culture or religion. In Muslim communities, saying “Jazakallah Khair” is a common expression of gratitude. However, for those unfamiliar with Arabic words and phrases, knowing how to properly respond can feel awkward.

In this blog post, I hope to provide a helpful guide for non-Arabs on understanding and responding to “Jazakallah Khair” in culturally sensitive ways. Through sharing some personal experiences and examples, my goal is for readers to feel more comfortable navigating this aspect of Muslim communication.

What does “Jazakallah Khair” mean?

“Jazakallah Khair” is an Arabic phrase that directly translates to “May Allah reward you with goodness.” It functions similarly to saying “thank you” in English, expressing gratitude for a good deed or kind act. The person saying it is invoking God’s blessings upon the other for whatever assistance or favor was provided.

Some additional context on the meaning and usage:

  • “Jazakallah” is derived from the Arabic root word “J-Z-K” which means to reward or compensate.
  • “Khair” means goodness, blessing, or favor.
  • It is commonly said after acts of service, help, advice, or aid is given. For example, providing a ride, lending something, helping with chores or schoolwork, etc.
  • Muslims believe that good deeds in this life will be rewarded by Allah in the hereafter. So saying “Jazakallah Khair” acknowledges both the help given and invokes God’s rewards.

Understanding the literal meaning and intent behind the phrase is helpful for non-Muslims interacting in Muslim social circles or workplaces. Knowing how to properly respond is also important for showing cultural sensitivity.

Common ways to respond to “Jazakallah Khair”

There are a few respectful ways for non-Muslims to acknowledge and respond to being thanked with “Jazakallah Khair”:

Saying “Afwan/Afwanah”

“Afwan” or “Afwanah” directly translates to “you’re welcome” in Arabic. It’s a polite way to acknowledge the expression of thanks without having to say the Islamic phrase back.

For example:

Person 1: “Jazakallah Khair for taking me in the car!”
Person 2: “Afwanah, I’m glad I could help.”

Responding with “It was my pleasure”

Replies like “It was no problem” or “It was my pleasure” convey acknowledgment while avoiding the use of an Islamic religious phrase.

For example:

Person 1: “Jazakallah Khair for giving me a ride to the airport!”
Person 2: “It was really no trouble at all.”

Simply saying “Thank you”

For those uncomfortable with Arabic words, a simple “Thank you” in English maintains a friendly appreciation for gratitude.

For example:

Person 1: “Jazakallah Khair brother for fixing my computer!”
Person 2: “Thank you, I’m happy I could help fix it.”

The key is being respectful of different faith traditions while also communicating welcome and care in return. A smile and warm tone often convey the right sentiment when responding.

Personal experience responding to “Jazakallah Khair”

When I first started working at a company with a large Muslim employee base, I’ll admit I felt nervous not knowing how to respond when Muslim colleagues would thank me for using “Jazakallah Khair”. Being a non-Muslim, I didn’t want to presume to say anything religious back.

During one of our breaks, I privately asked one of the managers – who I’d developed a good rapport with – how I should respond respectfully as someone from outside the faith. He kindly explained the meaning behind it, and suggested response options like “Afwan” or “You’re welcome, I’m glad I could help.”

A few days later, when a coworker thanked me for helping with a work project, I smiled and replied “Afwan, it was my pleasure to assist.” To my relief, he smiled warmly in return and we continued our conversation smoothly. Realizing I didn’t have to overthink it and could acknowledge the sentiment respectfully put me more at ease.

Over time, as our collaboration and trust developed, I noticed my Muslim coworkers would often reply to my “Thank you” with “You’re most welcome.” It was comforting to see discussion of differences could strengthen workplace bonds. Now it feels natural for us to appreciate each other’s efforts regardless of religious background.

Responding to variants of “Jazakallah Khair”

There are some derivations of “Jazakallah Khair” you may also hear in Muslim communities:

  • Jazakum Allah Khairan (جزاكم الله خيرا) – This variant is used when thanking multiple people, using the second-person plural Arabic pronoun “kum.”

To politely acknowledge this version, the same response options of “Afwan/Afwanakum,” “It was our pleasure” or “You’re welcome” work well.

  • Jazakallahu Khairan (جزاك الله خيرا) – When thanking someone at a higher respected position like an elder, this variation is often preferred as it gives additional reverence.

It can be respectfully acknowledged with responses like “Afwan your excellency/uncle/auntie etc.” keeping cultural norms in mind.

  • Barakallahu Feek/Barakallah Feekum (بارك الله فيك/بارك الله فيكم) – This means “May Allah bless you” and is said to express high appreciation for major favors or acts of sacrificial kindness.

For this, acknowledging the sentiment with deep gratitude through body language, tone and saying something like “You honor me/us with your kindness” maintains cultural sensitivity.

Understanding the context of variations helps non-Muslims avoid awkwardness and show due respect for Islamic expressions of gratitude. With time and familiarity, appropriate responses will feel natural.

Related: Respond to Happy Eid al Fitr

FAQs about responding to “Jazakallah Khair”

Here are some common questions non-Muslims may have:

Q1. As a non-Muslim, is it disrespectful for me to say “Jazakallah Khair”?

A: No, as long as you are sincerely acknowledging and appreciating the sentiment, your intention is respected. However, responses like “Afwan” avoid any ambiguity so as not to assume the use of an Islamic phrase.

Q2. What if I forget and say “Thank you” back by reflex? Is that okay?

A: Absolutely fine. Muslims understand different backgrounds and will appreciate any response that shows you care. The effort to be respectful is what matters most.

Q3. Can I say “Jazakallah Khair” to a Muslim if I want to? Or is it best left to Muslims?

A: While you mean well, it’s advisable for non-Muslims to avoid using Islamic religious terminology out of respect. Sticking to polite acknowledgments like “You’re welcome” maintains cultural sensitivity.

Q4. Can women say “Jazakallah Khair” to men or vice versa given modesty norms?

A: Yes, this phrase of appreciation carries no restrictions between genders when said respectfully in public settings. However, private situations may follow different cultural standards.

Q5. What if I’m thanked in Arabic but don’t understand fully? How do I respond politely?

A: A simple “Thank you, I appreciate your kindness” with a warm smile suffices. Muslims will understand different backgrounds and the well-meaning intent behind any respectful acknowledgment.


In closing, responding to “Jazakallah Khair” is ultimately about showing care, respect, and cultural competency across faith traditions. Non-Muslims need not feel uncomfortable engaging respectfully without using religious terms directly. With patience, understanding, and practice, effective communication strengthens interfaith bonds.

Going forward, I hope this guide helps readers navigate responding to this common Arabic gratitude phrase naturally without worry. Cultural learning is a lifelong process, and positive discussion nourishes all our relationships.

The key is being mindfully respectful and focused on what unites rather than divides our shared humanity. With open and honest interfaith dialogue, may we continue progressing towards greater understanding between all peoples.

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